Front row - Jace Chu, Brooklyn Glover, Savannah Aheam, Amara Caison, Megan Brady, Christine Larson, Becky McGivern 2nd row - Amelia Addison, Ava Chicchirichi, Elexa Littleton, Peyton Burns, Wyatt Taulton, Mason Bennett 3rd row - Ashlee Cockermen, Devin Brandenburg, Ayden Shiflett, Peyton Day, Alexis Stuntz Not pictured - Adrian Nelson
Students on stage at the 3rd Annual All-County Honor Choir
Speaker at PERC coffee chat in front of PowerPoint presentation
JCS News, 2024 WVGSA Assessment Results Available Online
Ms. Horn handing Mr.Bartley a diploma while shaking his hand
JCS News Meals to Students at no cost
Dr. Chuck Bishop
Ron Stephens
Members of the 2024 All-State Children's Choir
Kelcie Springer
The Robo-Recallers of Wildwood Middle School in competition
Group photo of Jefferson County Social Studies Fair participants
All-County Honor choir performing on stage
Students at Shepherdstown Middle School testing robots they built
Participants of regional science fair in a group on a stage
WHS All-State Choir Attendees
Math Field Day Winners Graphic
School counselors at Washington high School review college catalogs with students around a table in the library