Front row - Jace Chu, Brooklyn Glover, Savannah Aheam, Amara Caison, Megan Brady, Christine Larson, Becky McGivern 2nd row - Amelia Addison, Ava Chicchirichi, Elexa Littleton, Peyton Burns, Wyatt Taulton, Mason Bennett 3rd row - Ashlee Cockermen, Devin Brandenburg, Ayden Shiflett, Peyton Day, Alexis Stuntz Not pictured - Adrian Nelson

Jefferson County Schools students recently traveled to Morgantown to participate in the West Virginia American Choral Directors Association (WVACDA) conference. From February 6-8, students from Washington High School, Charles Town Middle School, Harpers Ferry Middle School, Shepherdstown Middle School, and Wildwood Middle School joined fellow music students from across the state for a weekend of rehearsals, collaboration, and a final performance at West Virginia University’s Creative Arts Center.

JCS was well-represented in the All-State Choir for grades 7-9, with 25 students selected from the five participating schools. Under the direction of conductor Mary Biddlecombe, the 200+ member ensemble delivered a polished performance, demonstrating their skill and preparation.

WHS had a strong presence in the high school honor choir for grades 10-12, with 14 students (pictured above) selected for the 65-member ensemble—the highest number from any high school in the state! Students from across the state went through a challenging audition process to earn this honor, and the group delivered an outstanding performance under the direction of nationally recognized composer Greg Gilpin.

"The students, parents, and teachers would like to thank the administration and leadership of Jefferson County Schools for their continued support of music education in our school system. Your support ensures our students continue the tradition of excellence in their musical endeavors.

Shepherdstown Middle School choral director Kelly Bennett said, "Events like the WVACDA conference not only give students the opportunity to sing but also allow them to create lifelong memories and develop skills that will serve them well beyond the stage."

“These experiences wouldn’t be possible without the support of the JCS administration and leadership,” Bennett continued. “Their commitment to music education ensures that our students continue the tradition of excellence in their musical endeavors.”

Congratulations to all the students who participated in this memorable event and represented JCS with their talent and hard work!

From WHS (above): Front row - Jace Chu, Brooklyn Glover, Savannah Aheam, Amara Caison, Megan Brady, Christine Larson, Becky McGivern; 2nd row - 2nd row - Amelia Addison, Ava Chicchirichi, Elexa Littleton, Peyton Burns, Wyatt Taulton, Mason Bennett; 3rd row - Ashlee Cockermen, Devin Brandenburg, Ayden Shiflett, Peyton Day, Alexis Stuntz; Not pictured - Adrian Nelson

CTMS picture  Front row: Estella Indomenico, Brynn Indomenico 2nd Row: Natalia Davis, Sabrina Sheppard  3rd Row: Collin Purvis, Taylor Lafferty 4th Row: Landen Hawes, Dante Terango

CTMS: Front Row - Estella Indomenico, Brynn Leicester; 2nd Row - Natalia Davis, Sabrina Sheppard; 3rd Row - Collin Purvis, Taylor Lafferty; 4th Row - Landen Hawes, Dante Terango

HFMS picture Freddy Roldan, Jonathan Guzman, Emily Hillgren, Adeline Graves, Charlie Nichols, Rachael McDanielHFMS: Freddy Roldan, Jonathan Guzman, Emily Hillgren, Adeline Graves, Charlie Nichols, and Rachael McDaniel

SMS picture Kerrigan Cottrill and Holly HelwigSMS: Kerrigan Cottrill and Holly Helwig

WMS picture Lucy Field, Hope Wells, Hailey Robey, Andrea Castillo Agosto WMS: Lucy Field, Hope Wells, Hailey Robey, and Andrea Castillo Agosto